- Labors of Hercules (1958, Italy / Spain)
- Lady Cocoa (1975, USA)
- Lady Dracula (1978, Germany)
- Lady Frankenstein (1971, Italy)
- Lady Kung Fu (1972, Hong Kong / South Korea)
- Lady in Red, The (1979, USA)
- Lady Whirlwind and the Rangers (1972, Hong Kong)
- Lair of the White Worm, The (1988, UK)
- Land of the Dead (2005, USA / Canada / France)
- Land of Doom (1986, USA)
- Land of the Minotaur (1976, UK / USA / Greece)
- Land That Time Forgot, The (1975, UK / USA)
- Laserblast (1978, USA)
- Last Days of Man on Earth, The (1973, UK)
- Last Desire, The (1976, Spain)
- Last House on Dead End Street, The (1977, USA)
- Last House on the Left, The (1972, USA)
- Last Orgy of the Third Reich (1977, Italy)
- Last Shark, The (1981, Italy)
- Last Starfighter, The (1984, USA)
- Last Step Down, The (1970, USA)
- Last Stop on the Night Train (1975, Italy)
- Last Victim of the Vampire (1962, Italy)
- Last Woman on Earth (1960, USA)
- Late Night Trains (1975, Italy)
- Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990, USA)
- Leech Woman, The (1960, USA)
- Left for Dead (2007, USA / Argentina)
- Legacy of Satan (1974, USA)
- Legend of the Bayou (1977, USA)
- Legend of Blood Castle, The (1973, Spain / Italy)
- Legend of the Dinosaurs (1977, Japan)
- Legend of Hell House, The (1973, UK)
- Legend of the Wolf Woman, The (1976, Italy)
- Lemon Popsicle 7: Young Love (1987, Israel / Germany)
- Leprechaun (1993, USA)
- Let Me Die a Woman (1978, USA)
- Let's Make a Dirty Movie (1976, France)
- Let's Scare Jessica to Death (1971, USA)
- Leviathan (1989, USA / Italy)
- Liane, Jungle Goddess (1956, Germany)
- Liane, the White Slave (1957, Germany / Italy)
- Life and Times of the Happy Hooker, The (1974, USA)
- Lifeforce (1985, UK)
- Linda and Abilene (1969, USA)
- Linda Lovelace for President (1975, USA)
- Little Orphan Dusty Part II (1982, USA)
- Little Rascals of Kung Fu (1980, Hong Kong / Taiwan)
- Little Shop of Horrors, The (1960, USA)
- Living Dead at Manchester Morgue, The (1974, Spain / Italy)
- Living Nightmare (1977, Italy)
- Living Venus (1961, USA)
- Lizard in a Woman's Skin (1971, Italy / France / Spain)
- London in the Raw (1964, UK)
- Lone Wolf McQuade (1983, USA)
- Lonely Wives (1972, Germany)
- Long War, The (1962, France / Italy / Yugoslavia)
- Lord Shango (1975, USA)
- Lorna (1964, USA)
- Losers, The (1970, USA)
- Lost Missile, The (1958, USA)
- Love Bites (1985, USA)
- Love Camp (1977, Switzerland)
- Love Camp 7 (1969, USA)
- Love Commune (1970, USA)
- Love at First Bite (1979, USA)
- Love Moods (1952, USA)
- Love Slaves of the Amazons (1957, USA)
- Lover of the Monster (1974, Italy)
- Lovers from Beyond the Tomb (1965, Italy)
- Lovers of Mine (1979, Italy)
- LSD, I Hate You (1966, USA)
- Luana (1968, Italy / Germany)
- Lucky, the Inscrutable (1967, Spain / Italy / Germany)
- Lust in the Dust (1985, USA)
- Lust to Kill, A (1959, USA)
- Lust for a Vampire (1971, UK)
What Should I Do if I’m Hallucinating With BPD?
3 weeks ago