- Rabid (1977, Canada)
- Rage (1977, Canada)
- Rage of Ninja (1988, Hong Kong)
- Rape and Revenge of Jennifer Hill, The (1978, USA)
- Rape Squad (1974, USA)
- Ravagers, The (1965, USA / Philippines)
- Rasputin: The Mad Monk (1966, UK)
- Raven, The (1963, USA)
- Raw Meat (1972, UK)
- Re-Animator (1985, USA)
- Real Bruce Lee, The (1977, Hong Kong)
- Reason to Live, a Reason to Die, A (1972, Spain / Italy / France / Germany)
- Rebel Girls (1957, Philippines)
- Recon 2020: The Caprini Massacre (2004, Canada)
- Redneck Zombies (1987, USA)
- Reform School Girls (1986, USA)
- Reincarnation of Peter Proud, The (1975, USA)
- Requiem for a Vampire (1971, France)
- Resort Girls, The (1971, Germany)
- Restless (1970, UK)
- Return of Count Yorga, The (1971, USA)
- Return of Daimajin (1966, Japan)
- Return of Doctor X, The (1939, USA)
- Return of the Living Dead III (1993, USA)
- Return of the Street Fighter (1974, Japan)
- Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (1994, USA)
- Return of Walpurgis, The (1973, Spain)
- Return of the Werewolf (1973, Spain)
- Return of the Wolfman (1981, Spain)
- Revenge (1971, UK)
- Revenge of the Cheerleaders (1976, USA)
- Revenge of the Creature (1955, USA)
- Revenge of the Ninja (1983, USA)
- Revenge of the Zombies (1976, Hong Kong / Indonesia / Singapore)
- Revolt of the Slaves (1960, Spain / Italy / Germany)
- Rhinestone Cowgirls (1981, USA)
- Ribald Tales of Canterbury (1985, USA)
- Ricco the Mean Machine (1973, Italy / Spain)
- Riding School of Madame O, The (1976, Denmark)
- Rise of the Roman Empress (1987, Italy)
- Riverboat Mama (1969, USA)
- Road Games (1981, Australia)
- Road Racers (1959, USA)
- Roadhouse Girl (1953, UK)
- Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964, USA)
- Robot Jox (1990, USA)
- Robot Monster (1953, USA)
- Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy, The (1958, Mexico)
- Rock All Night (1957, USA)
- Rodentz (2001, USA / Canada)
- Rolls-Royce Baby (1975, Switzerland)
- Room of Chains, The (1972, France)
- Rose Red and Snow White (1970, Germany)
- Ruby (1977, USA)
- Run, Angel, Run (1969, USA)
- Runaway, The (1971, USA)
- Running on Empty (1982, Australia)
What Should I Do if I’m Hallucinating With BPD?
3 weeks ago